About Us


AP5I as a forum for entrepreneurs and professional associations in the field of processing, production and marketing of fishery products, will fight for the unity, progress and development of Indonesian fishing effort and participate in national development. AP5I will move in the corridors of the Law and Regulations applicable regulations issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the competent authority.

AP5I Vision

To build the Indonesian fishery products processing industry that can compete and thrive in the global marketplace

AP5I Mission

·         To unite Indonesian fishery product processing and marketing business, so as to have a common vission and willing to work together to advance fishery products processing industry in Indonesia.

·         To provide updated information to all members about things that are beneficial for the development of the fishery products processing industry in Indonesia, for example on market/technology developments and regulatory changes (both local and international)

·         To establish communication and cooperation with various fishery products processing industry stakeholders, both from government and private agencies

·         To cooperate and exchange of information with institutions abroad, for example with exporters/importers association and other institutions related to the development of fishery products processing industry.

·         To advise the government that regulations issued by the government in line with the interests of Indonesian fishery product processing and marketing business.



1.       Ensure the availability of raw materials:

·         Synchronizes with the government and other stakeholders for supply of raw materials in order to make it noticable when there is a surplus / shortage of raw materials in particular areas.

·         If raw material shortage happened, discussion will be held with the government and other stakeholders to increase raw material supply both from ponds or catching

·         Ask the government to revise import regulations in order to support the fishery processing industry

·         Ask the government to coordinate with AP5I in various government projects such as cold storage establishment etc, because quite a lot of government projects have not been useful, or even abandoned

·         Urge the government to conduct infrastructure improvements such as roads, bridges, electricity especially in main fishery industries area

2.       Ask the government to always involve AP5I in making regulations that have correlation with the processing of fishery products in Indonesia

3.       Ask the government to categorize the fishery product processing industry as a labor-intensive industry, so they can get a tax deduction facility.

4.       To strengthen AP5I, all fishery indutries is expected to become a member AP5I. Government should help in “forcing” fishery industries to join AP5I, for example by adding AP5I recommendation in the process to get SKP or HACCP

5.       Ask the government to simplify the process of granting certificates to fishery industries that enable the export of Indonesian fishery products

6.       Ask the government to discuss continuously with the competent authority in the country of buyers in order to avoid differences in understanding of the regulation of importing products in the country.

7.       Have a good relationship and communicate with all stakeholders  in fishery indutsries such as farmers (farmers association), raw materials suppliers, feedmill and hatchery companies by:

·         Provide information of international market situation

·         Provide information from competitor countries

·         Hold regular meetings with stakeholders in order to explained and solve various problems/issues exsisted


Internal consolidation is one of the main targets of AP5I 2015 – 2010. To change the mindset that even though AP5I members are competitors, but need to work together and support each other to promote Indonesian fisheries industry.

1.       Strengthen AP5I by Adding More Members Only small percentage of fishery industries willing to join AP5I. AP5I does not have a strong bargaining position when it comes to negotiate with Indonesian fishing industry stakeholders. Therefore, a program must be initiated immediately to increase the number of AP5I members, by doing “road show” to regions where major producer of fishery products are located and trying to persuade / convince industries in the area to join the AP5I. Benefit of joining AP5I will also be presented during road show.

2.       Establishment of Region Coordinators Coordinators of main producing provinces is formed.  The main tasks of coordinators include:

·         Update information from the main office to each region

·         Gather information from each region and excalate to main office

·         Coordinate and solve problems arise in the region, either between members or between AP5I members and other fishery industry stakeholders in the region

3.       Promote a fair competition between members AP5I The increase in raw material prices occurred because of the unfair competition between AP5I members. The increase in raw material prices often occurs due to incorrect information from raw material suppliers. With regular meetings in each region, members will get the update correct information

4.       AP5I must learn and follow contunuously, various regulatory changes (both local and international) always be communicated to all members

5.       Provide information about market condition, supply and price to all AP5I members.

6.       Improve AP5I members competitiveness by reducing cost, for example by asking the shipping line to give special rate to AP5I members; or buying packing materials together to get cheaper price.

7.        Encourage and assist members in order to meet the quality standards and to have certificates required by the buyer

8.       Create and manage a AP5I website. The website contains AP5I member profiles and various information required by AP5I members.

9.       Hold regular meetings to consolidate and exchange information, and to solve various problems that exist

10.   Cooperate with all members to conduct joint marketing, includes:

·         Create a AP5I online and offline profile / brochure which contains information about Indonesian fishery products

·         Create a website to promote various products from AP5I members

·         Join various exhibitions (both domestic and abroad) to offer products of AP5I members, then   distribute a list of buyers and suppliers needed by members

·         Join trade missions abroad and participate in various international seminars to introduce Indonesian fishery products